Legal Information

Feralco UK Ltd
Ditton Road

Registered office: Widnes
Company Registration Number: 04052278
VAT GB 768019409

Feralco UK Ltd takes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. For direct or indirect links to other Internet sites (“links”) which lie outside the responsibility of Feralco UK Ltd, a liability would only arise in strength in the case in which Feralco UK Ltd aware of the content, and if technically possible and reasonable, would be able to prevent the use of any illegal content. Feralco UK Ltd hereby expressly declares that at the time of linking the corresponding linked pages those were free of illegal content.

Feralco UK Ltd has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. Therefore, it dissociates itself explicitly from all contents of all linked pages which were changed after the time of linking. This applies to all links within its own Internet site.

For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages that result from the use or disuse of information only the provider of the site referred to is responsible, and not the one who has linked to the respective publication.

Where Feralco UK introduces new services or changes the Internet procedure, or the Internet and computer security technology progresses, an updated privacy policy will be published on this site, and shall apply from the date of publication.